Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Videos: A Look At Pet Society through YouTube

Some wonderful home-grown videos are surfacing on YouTube, from the international base of Pet Society players.

This one minute video was created by Jamie, an engineer from Singapore. The footage shows the pets visiting each other, a key act in Pet Society. The original game was designed by Playfish to transcend language, and featured theme weeks from many different countries.

"Adios, Pet Society" is another short, loving tribute to the joy of the game. The author is fluent in many languages and may have picked Spanish for the titles because Pet Society has many players who speak it.

A longer but quite charming 5-minute tour-de-force from the French: a Pet Society homage to Disney's Snow White.  The Pet Society scenes were created from bits of art that you can buy within the game and arrange as you wish. Then the auteur must costume the various pets and lure them into posing -- they can be just as difficult as real-life pets or children in that respect! 

So in a few minutes, without having to play the game, you have had a glimpse into the sweet world that is slated to vanish on June 14, 44 days from now. 

PS -- If you are hiring for video games, any graphic artists or game designers who have Playfish or Pet Society on their resume should go to the top of your pile. This is wonderful work.

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